Copyright and Privacy

Here you can read our privacy policy. Long story short: we don't use cookies. Everything is protected by copyright. Use is permitted, for non-commercial purposes, as long as you link to our website.

Privacy policy

Your privacy is very important to us. By not using cookies we do not have access to any sensitive data about you, also because you will never need to provide any personal information to browse our website.

We will only be able to access some information about you if you write us an email, or if you make a donation. In any case, this information will be confidential and will never be passed on to third parties, nor sold for any reason.

We consider it obvious and implicit that, having reached us first, you accept that this information is accessible to us and in our possession. You can contact us at any time at asking us to delete any information about you, and it will be done.

Made for a sustainable future

Our website pays attention to environmental sustainability. The development has been carefully optimized, so as to reduce the necessary resources to navigate it as much as possible.

The images use the most modern standards to reduce their size, the code is very light and has been written by hand, with extreme care, to speed up loading and require as few resources as possible.

These optimizations are not only useful for preserving the environment, but make our website highly performing and fast, to offer a better experience to our visitors.


CiaoCortina is an independent website that does not require subscriptions or paid registrations from its readers. Reviews, positive or negative, reflect the independent opinions of the authors. CiaoCortina is more than willing to accommodate any rebuttals from Companies, subject to the author's own right of rejoinder.